Sunday, February 7, 2010

Learning Journal 2

Hello everybody!
Things have been going great lately. Last class was interesting, especially when we practiced the free writing. My wrist hurt instantly when I started writing, my body wasn't made to write under pressure. Anyway, we learned that we all had similar ideas about the subject: what advantages come from knowing information before seeing a play.
When discussing the use of a playgoer's guide we agreed there can be faults and adavatages. The faults are when the guide gives too much information, and it ruins the suprises within the play. The advatages are that you can have valuable background information that will help you with following along with the play. Sometimes plays can be confusing without knowing some facts about the story.
We also disscussed the advantage of reading a play before watching it live. Many people thought it helped them in relation to "Life Without Instruction". It could even be compared to watching a movie twice? (realising things you didn't notice the first time reading it) Although, there were some people who thought the experience would have been better if they didn't know every aspect to the play - it might have been a little more interesting.

Anyway, great class, and I have to start reading "Problem Child!" ( a little excited for that)
Peace out.

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