Sunday, March 28, 2010

Learning Journal 8

Class time is running out, and it is exciting!
Last class, the whole duration was used to present the different playgoer's guides, and wiki sites. The editorial teams chose some great information, but afterwards Russ made us inkshed about the presentations, which brought up some interesting points that may have been missing out of both presentations. Inkshedding is difficult to do, mentally and physically, but once you get into the groove, you find yourself thinking of ideas that would have never came up were it a regular discussion. In the Beaux Stratagem wiki site crew's presentation they had quite a bit of information, more than enough for a playgoer's guide, but the only issue I had with it was the interest of it. Some of the subjects were a little tidious, and rich with history, which sometimes, if I had come across it, would not read it because of my un-attraction to large blocks of text. I guess we should all keep in mind that what is apealing to the eye, and is not intimidating is most likely what the audience will actually take the time to read.

Other than that, I have to get to posting on the Beaux Stratagem, homework has been piling up lately, which has put me behind on my play postings!
Until next time.

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